A Breath Practice for Lent

Before we get into this breath practice, take a moment to observe yourself. What emotions are you feeling right now? How does your body feel?

Set a timer for 10 minutes and promise yourself this space to rest and rejuvenate.

Find a comfortable position (sitting, standing in mountain pose, lying down) and remove as many distractions as you can from your immediate environment (phone, email, looming tasks). Now commit to this time and to completing this practice for yourself.

lent breath.gif


inhale for four counts, hold in for two counts

exhale for four counts, hold out for two counts.


I breathe in your tender love, Spirit.


Your love and life flow into me and through me.

repeat for ten breaths

(adapted from Savored By Your Savior: A Lent Community Group Guide

by Rev. Dr. Courtney Grager)

Thank yourself for taking this time to connect. Thank the Spirit for unconditional love and presence. Go forth in your day knowing you have never been alone or abandoned. You are cherished, whole as you are, and worthy.


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