How to Declutter Your Calendar

The start of a new year — heck, a new decade — is a great time to spruce up some of the more regularly used but little cared for items in your digital life. (We’ll get to all those duplicate iPhone photos at a later date).

I lovelovelove my Google calendar. It is an argument-preventer, carpool-enabler, and all-around MVP app on my phone. Because my husband Jackson and I each use multiple calendars for ourselves… and then have to share those with each other so we can stay on top of our schedule, the calendar can begin to look more than a bit hectic. And you know what I hate and don’t have time for? Toggling on and off different calendar views. It’s just not in my time budget. I want to see everything in one place without having to change settings every fifteen minutes.

SO priorities in making over my calendar?

  1. See my most important stuff first. For me, these are events on my family calendar (shared with Jacks) and my own personal commitments. Use: bright colors.

  2. Background all of the stuff that is shared with me (and I want to see for reference, of course), but don’t need deets on. Use: neutral colors.

  3. See some of the optional things like classes offered at my gym, upcoming free events around town, birthdays I need to know for sending cards, and so on. Use: complementary colors that aren’t bright, but still stand out a bit.

Here’s what I came up with for this year. I did a little refresh on the color scheme (yes, you can set custom hex colors for your different calendars in Google Cal) inspired by my 2020 Pinterest board. Loving these 70s ish vibes.

[image description: a six-color palette with hex codes for updating the colors of your Google Calendar]

[image description: a six-color palette with hex codes for updating the colors of your Google Calendar]

And… digital drumroll

Here’s what it looks like when I color coded each of the calendars by their category. My most important commitments draw my eye first. I can easily identify my flexible time for scheduling drinks or lunch with friends. And while I can see Jackson’s calendars, shared departmental calendars, etc. , they don’t drain my visual energy.

[image description: a screenshot of my own calendar with the color palette in use]

[image description: a screenshot of my own calendar with the color palette in use]

What are some of your go-to tips for managing your calendar? Do you love a digital schedule as much as I do?




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